

We zijn met een nieuw Engels liedje begonnen voor de Engelse les.

De eerste les is altijd een bordles, daarna maken we een les op papier, dan weer een bord les en de afsluiting op papier. En als laatste de toets.

Het is weer een erg leuk liedje !




Vandaag hebben we Engels gedaan, dat was voor groep 6 en 7 de eerste keer. we leren Engels door liedjes die nu op de radio zijn, met allerlei opdrachten en lekker mee zingen.

Dit is ons eerste liedje van dit jaar, luister maar:


Mail naar Amerika


We hebben natuurlijk meteen terug gemaild:

Hey, how are you? You’re  project looks very cool.

We are working on an art project. The start of the project was a breakdance lesson.

This is a short clip from our lesson:


We went to a movie about “how to make a movie”, the story was in Paris at a station in 1800. 
It was a 3-D movie.


We did a study about different artists, Vincent van Gogh, Claude Monet and Edvard Munch. He made the painting “the scream”.
After that, we tried to paint the same way, they did.


We made “aboriginal art”, that is made with many many many many dots…..

IMG_2918moviemaker 013

We also worked about Andy Warhol, he is a POP ART  artist. We made a picture of ourselves,  and on the computer we made a POP ART picture.

We had art workshops, there where different things to do, felts, acting, we made rainsticks, mosaics, painting, we made masks from wood, aboriginal art, clay, it was fun!



We worked with the jongest children of our school, we had to look at a photo en find all sorts of things.
The artists name is Joan Steiner, this is what she makes:

If you look at the house, you will see that its made of crackers.

After the “looking” we made something ourselfses. We had a lot of stuff in our class to use.


And we are making our own movie, but that is not finished yet, when they are finished, we will send you a link,  so you can see our movies to.

Greetings from Holland !!!!

Mail uit Amerika


IMG_1093 IMG_1094 IMG_1096 IMG_1101We hebben weer post uit Amerika:

Happy Spring Tomanies,
We hope this letter finds you well!
Today during computer lab, each one of us sent you an e-mail individually, about our experiences at our local beaches.  We also added a picture.  If you didn’t get all 10, some will come next week 😉
We’ve had an exciting couple of weeks.  The 5th Graders went to Science Camp.  They were gone for 4 days.  They went zip lining, mining for gold.  They went on hikes and found flora and fauna indigenous to our area.  They also had a dance, and went swimming.
The Ocean Institute came to our school too (see pictures).  We had to sit in groups of 2, and we were given a squid.  They were really stinky!  Then we had to cut them open and find the ink sac.  And also figure out if they were female or male.
Next week we have a jog-a-thon.  Every class gets t-shirts, and we run laps around the soccer field.  Every  lap we run, we raise money for our school.  It’s lots of fun.
We hope you have a great weekend!
Mrs. Guckerts 4th and 5th grade class.
5 bijlagen

Mail uit Amerika


We hebben weer bericht uit Amerika, we hebben 2 weken geleden een mail gestuurd met allemaal vragen, daar hebben we nu antwoord op gekregen.

Nu gaan we wachten tot we nieuwe vragen krijgen uit Amerika, en dan mailen we terug.

Dit is de mail:

Greetings from San Clemente, California

Van:  Natascha   Deze afzender staat in de contactpersonenlijst.
Verzonden: donderdag 26 februari 2015 16:29:53
Aan: Carla Kooistra
Good morning Tomanies!
Today we are writing you from a sunny 66 degree Fahrenheit (18.8 degrees Celsius) morning.  For us this is pretty cold.  Our evenings drop down to about 45 degrees Fahrenheit (7.2 degrees Celsius) during the winter.  This is also our wet time of year.  We don’t get much rain. On average about 32 days a year.  We’ve been living in an extreme drought for many years now.  We hope to get rain for 1-2 days this weekend!
We answered the questions you sent us, here are the answers:
1. Do you guys work on a lap-top in your class?
    We do!  Just this year (2015) we were given Chrome books. We are all learning how to use them.  The chrome books were only given to the 5th graders (10-11 year olds). We also have a computer lab.  There  we have probably about 35 computers for the whole school to use.
2. Do you have any romance in your class???
    We do not.
3. Do you know any Dutch words?
    We do not!  The closest we got was “Danken”. But Miss hannegan is going to try and teach us some words.
4. How long does your school exist?
    Our school is celebrating it’s 20 year birthday this year.
5. What do you do after school?
    This questions had many different answers.
    Many of us go straight home.  Some of us get picked up from school.  Some of us go home on the school bus. Nobody goes home by themselves.  Unlike you guys in Balinge, no-one walks, or rides their bikes home.  Several of us go to after-school-programs.  On campus (so on our school property) there is an after school program called Y.M.C.A.  At the Y.M.C.A. they help us with homework.  We also play games until our parents can come pick us up, after work.  Some of us take the bus to the Boys-and-girls club.  This is also a club that helps with homework, and has games for us to play.
6. Do you guys eat at school?
    Yes, we do.  At 11:55, the 4th and 5th graders go to lunch.  Some of us bring our lunch to school.  And some of us buy lunch at the cafeteria. The food in the cafeteria is warm.  Sometimes it’s pizza, or chicken nuggets.  Sometimes chicken and rice.  We have a large lunch area outside, with many lunch tables.  Each class has their own lunch table.  After we’re done eating the supervisors blow a whistle.  Then we have to clean the tables, throw away our trash.  And then we can play until 12:35.
7. Do you believe in God?
    Yes we do. We go to different Churches.
8. We think that you have twins in your class, is that right?
    No we don’t!  Many people think we do.  But Jonathan and Alex aren’t even related!
9. What is your favorite animal?
    A lion (2), because they run fast
    A cheetah (2), because of their spots.
    A dog.
    An ox.
    A sparrow.
    A tiger.
    A raccoon.
10. Do you learn any other languages at school?
    No we do not.  They are a couple schools that have a dual-immersion program.  At these schools they teach you Spanish too.  But we only learn English.
We wanted to get these answers back to you.
We will be in touch with our next questions to you!


Mailen met Amerika


We zijn druk geweest met de mail vertalen, vragen beantwoorden en vragen bedenken…… Dat is best een hele klus. Alle kinderen hebben een schriftje gekregen voor de mails. We hebben vandaag een mail terug gestuurd, dit is hem geworden: Good morning everyone ‏

We are excited too that you mailed us back. We think its very cool to mail around the world.  Here are the answers to your questions:
1. There are 10 childeren in our class ( from 18) who play soccer…..
Our soccerclubs in Holland that we like are: Ajax, Feyenoord en Groningen
We play with the soccerclub “WNBC’  in Witteveen.
2. We all got a best friend, we like to play: soccer, we like to draw, playing in the Woods, we like to fish
We’ve got a beautifull wood / bush nearby it’s called : Mantingerzand:
    mantingerzand    schapen mantingerzand
3. We like to eat: yoghurt, an egg, a hot sandwich with cheese ( we call that a tosti), bread.
4. We watch this on TV: nickelodeon ( different series) , national geographic chanel, spangas ( that is a Dutch serie for childeren in groep 7,8), programms about the police
5. We live in a small village with not so many houses, our houses look like “little farms”. We have got a lot of space here, very different from you guys.
A month a go, the house that is standing next to the school, is burned down:
brand in balinge
6. YESSSSSSSSS we play minecraft WE LOVE IT A LOT !!!
7. Yes we have got seasons, we have got summer, winter, fall and spring
8. No, we do not play karate
9. No, Ice Hockey eather, thats not a famous sport in Holland, soccer is our national sport
10.  Tomanies is from a book, the book is called “tomanies” they are little blue monsters who are very naughty.
1. Do you guys work on a lap-top in your class?
2. Do you have a romance in your classss ??????? dfgsdfgadgadg
3. Do you know any Dutch words? We have to do everything in English, so we would like to ask you, can you send us something back in Dutch?
4. How long does your school excist?
5. What do you do after school?
6. Do you guys eat at school? Because we think you eat ( “warm/ dinner “)  at school……
7. Do you believe in god?
8. We think that you have twins in your class, is that right?
9. What is your favorite animal?
10. Do you learn any onther language at school?
BTW we have got a special place for you guys at school, look:
001 (2)
​We hope to hear from you soon…… greetings from your special friends in Holland !



Helemaal spannend zo’n mail uit Amerika, de kinderen zijn met hun tafelgroep de mail in het Engels aan het lezen en vertalen.

Ook gaan ze antwoord geven op de vragen die in de mail staan. In het Engels ! Ze bedenken per groepje 5 vragen die we terug kunnen stellen aan de kinderen daar….. deze week maken we samen een  mail om terug te sturen !

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